
Allergen Immunotherapy: How It Works and Available Treatment Options
Discover the benefits of immunotherapy for chronic allergies in this informative blog. Dr. Adam Weisstuch explains common allergens and delves into treatment options, including the pros and cons of allergy shots versus drops. Shelby Stockton (00:00): Welcome to th...
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Audio Blog: Hearing the Future: Dr. Eloy Villasuso Discusses Hearing Loss and Cognitive Health
A specialist in otology, neurotology, and skull-based surgery, Dr. Villasuso shares his expert insights on the early signs of hearing loss and its impacts on cognitive function and dementia. Discover how early intervention can make a significant difference and why staying connect...
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Audio Blog: Navigating Sinus Issues: From Symptoms to Solutions with Dr. Weisstuch
In a recent interview with Dr. Weisstuch, an experienced ENT specialist, we delved into the fundamental aspects of sinus health. From understanding the basic anatomy of sinuses to differentiating between acute and chronic sinusitis, Dr. Weisstuch sheds light on common symptoms an...
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Audio Blog: Common Sleep Disorders: How to Diagnose & Treat with Dr. Francisco Pernas
Shelby Stockton speaks with otolaryngologist Dr. Frank Pernas. They discuss common sleep disorders, how to diagnose them, treat them, and what patients can do about snoring issues and sleep apnea. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT audio blog...
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Audio Blog: Discussion with Otolaryngologist and Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Harb
Shelby Stockton speaks with otolaryngologist and facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Harb about her background and what inspired her to specialize in facial plastics. Learn how she assesses a patient's needs and expectations, and what you can expect during the consultation proce...
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Audio Blog: Restoring Hearing & Restoring Life with Dr. Daniela Cardona
Audiologist, Dr. Daniela Cardona, speaks with Shelby Stockton about hearing loss, how it affects patients, their friends, and their family. Dr. Cardona explains the benefits of treating hearing loss with an audiologist, and how we can communicate more effectively with people who...
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Audio Blog: Aging Gracefully: Tips for Healthy Ears, Nose, and Throat with Dr. Richard Vivero
Sound advice about exercises to promote overall ear, nose, and throat health from otolaryngologist Dr. Richard Vivero. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT audio blog. I'm Shelby Stockton, and today I spoke with otolaryngo...
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Audio Blog: The Most Common Summer ENT Related Issues with Dr. Rivera
Summer is in full swing, so it pays to know the most common ENT issues going around this season. Tune in to this episode to learn more! Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT audio blog. I'm Shelby Stockton, and today I spoke with otolaryngologist Dr. A...
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Audio Blog: Why it's Important to be Tested for Allergies
Dr. Weisstuch explains the importance of testing for allergies. He also discusses different treatment options. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT Audio Blog. I'm your host, Shelby Stockton. And today I have the opportunity to sit down with oto...
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Audio Blog: Hearing Loss Treatment Options
A personal story from Dr. Roa, while she also discusses different treatment options and the pros and cons of over-the-counter hearing aids versus prescription hearing aids. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome back to our two-part series on hearing loss with Dr. Maria Roa. In...
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Audio Blog: Noise-induced Hearing Loss & How to Prevent it
Audiologist Dr. Maria Roa discusses noise-induced hearing loss and offers some advice on how to prevent it. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT Audio blog. I'm Shelby Stockton. May is Better Speech and Hearing Month. And in this two-part series...
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Audio Blog: Managing Hearing Loss: The Role of an Audiologist
Hearing loss can be a challenging condition but with the help of audiologist, patients can find effective solutions to manage and improve their quality of life. Read on to find out how. Shelby Stockton (00:00):Welcome to the South Florida ENT Audio blog, I'm Shelby Stock...
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Audio Blog: Minimally Invasive Sinus Procedures with Dr. Jay Young
If you suffer from sinus issues but are reluctant to go to the doctor, we encourage you to listen to this week's audio blog. We spoke to Dr. Jay Young about the most common sinus disorders, how they're diagnosed, and some incredible new treatment options to find relief. ...
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Audio Blog: Sleep Apnea Testing and Treatment Options with Dr. Eamon McLaughlin
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that prevents individuals from breathing normally in their sleep. Listen to this episode if you suspect you may be suffering from the sleep-related disorder. Shelby Stockton: (00:00)Welcome to the South Florida ENT Audio blog. I'm...
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Audio Blog: Allergy Testing with Maria Adams - Benefits and Risks of Untreated Allergies
Allergy testing helps doctors identify the allergens causing a reaction. Read on to understand how the knowledge gained gives you and your doctor the ability to develop a personalized treatment plan. Shelby Stockton: (00:00)Welcome to the South Florida ENT audio blog. I'...
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