Jennifer Harb MD

81 Reviews

Jennifer Harb Hanlon MD

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La Dra. Harb busca la atención más completa, actualizada y personalizada posible para sus
pacientes para abordar las afecciones que afectan el oído, la nariz y la garganta. Ella entiende
que cada persona es diferente y tiene inquietudes y necesidades únicas. En su práctica, no
existe una política única para todos; Incluso dentro del mismo procedimiento, se deben realizar
varias modificaciones para adaptar un procedimiento específico a la condición del paciente.
Colabora estrechamente con sus pacientes para personalizar el plan de tratamiento para
obtener un resultado superior.


La Dra. Harb realiza una variedad de tratamientos, tanto quirúrgicos como no quirúrgicos, para afecciones que afectan el oído, la nariz y la garganta, incluido el tratamiento de problemas de audición, afecciones de los senos nasales, afecciones del sueño y cirugías reconstructivas faciales.



Patient Testimonial

Thank you Dr. Jennifer Harb Hanlon!

by D.P.

Dr. Jennifer Harb Hanlon has an excellent bedside manner combined with a delivery that made me confident in the care I was receiving. She listened to what I had to say and answered all of my questions. Thank you Dr. Harb!


The ears help us hear the sounds around us, as well as maintain our balance when we stand and walk. When pieces of the ear are infected or begin not to work properly, your hearing and balance can be impacted.

  • Hearing Loss
  • Ear Infections
  • Dizziness


Audiology is the branch of medicine that deals with hearing. Our specialized audiologists help to determine the source of your hearing loss and work with you to utilize the available options that can help improve it.

  • Hearing Loss


Allergies are the immune system’s abnormal response to a foreign substance around you. These are items that don’t cause a reaction in all patients, but your immune system has found them to be harmful and reacted. Allergies can include environmental allergens such as dust and pollen, as well as food or medications.

  • Environmental Allergy
  • Immune Deficiency
  • Asthma Management
  • Hives and Eczema


Your sinuses are hollow cavities that help found around the noses and eyes. Their walls are lined with mucus that helps filter and humidify our air. If this mucus does not drain properly, the sinuses can become blocked. This leads to problems such as sinus infections or other conditions.

  • Deviated Nasal Septum
  • Congestion (Nasal Blockage)
  • Nasal Drainage
  • Sinus Infections
  • Loss of Sense of Taste and Smell


Sleep is an essential part of preparing yourself for the day ahead. We’ve all experienced the difficulties that a lousy night of sleep can cause. For those with sleep disorders, achieving a good night of sleep can be even more challenging and even require medical intervention to be achieved.

  • Snoring
  • Sleep Apnea

Head & Neck

The head and neck are hosts to different types of glands that help us maintain our health. Much like other areas of the body, the head and neck and the glands within can experience infection, swelling, and cancer. This can affect the overall balance of our health and the systems that maintain it.

  • Thyroid Masses
  • Neck Masses
  • Salivary Glands Masses
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes
  • Abnormal Parathyroid Glands
  • Chronic Tonsils and Adenoid Infections

Voice & Swallowing

Our voices can help us connect and communicate with the world around us. While speaking can seem easily achieved, it is really the work of several muscles and organs working together to achieve sound. If one of these muscles is strained or infected, the voice or swallowing can be impacted.

  • Vocal Cord Tumors
  • Acid Reflux
  • Hoarseness
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Vocal Cord Nodules and Polyps


The ears help us hear the sounds around us, as well as maintain our balance when we stand and walk. When pieces of the ear are infected or begin not to work properly, your hearing and balance can be impacted.

  • Balance Testing
  • Ear Hygiene and Wax Removal
  • Ear Tubes
  • Repair of Eardrum Perforation


Audiology is the branch of medicine that deals with hearing. Our specialized audiologists help to determine the source of your hearing loss and work with you to utilize the available options that can help improve it.

  • Hearing Aids Dispensing
  • Hearing Aids Programming & Maintenance
  • Hearing Testing


Allergies are the immune system’s abnormal response to a foreign substance around you. These are items that don’t cause a reaction in all patients, but your immune system has found them to be harmful and reacted. Allergies can include environmental allergens such as dust and pollen, as well as food or medications.

  • Allergy Shots
  • Allergy Drops
  • Allergy Testing
  • Biologic Therapy
  • Food Allergy Testing
  • Drug Allergy Testing
  • Asthma Management


Your sinuses are hollow cavities that help found around the noses and eyes. Their walls are lined with mucus that helps filter and humidify our air. If this mucus does not drain properly, the sinuses can become blocked. This leads to problems such as sinus infections or other conditions.

  • Surgery for Nasal Polyps and Chronic Sinusitis
  • Septoplasty Deviated Septum Surgery
  • Nasal Turbinate Reduction
  • In-Office CT Imaging
  • Balloon Sinuplasty


Sleep is an essential part of preparing yourself for the day ahead. We’ve all experienced the difficulties that a lousy night of sleep can cause. For those with sleep disorders, achieving a good night of sleep can be even more challenging and even require medical intervention to be achieved.

  • Prescribe and Monitor CPAP
  • Sleep Apnea Testing
  • Sleep Apnea Surgery
  • Airlift Procedure

Head & Neck

The head and neck are hosts to different types of glands that help us maintain our health. Much like other areas of the body, the head and neck and the glands within can experience infection, swelling, and cancer. This can affect the overall balance of our health and the systems that maintain it.

  • Thyroid Surgery
  • Salivary Gland Surgery
  • Head and Neck Cancers Evaluation and Surgery
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Adenoidectomy
  • Endoscopic Inspection of the Throat and Voice Box (Flexible laryngoscopy)

Facial Plastics

Facial plastic surgery can help patients refine and reshape their features while as well as provide functional improvements. Our surgeons can help reduce the common signs of aging, leaving you looking more youthful and refreshed. They can also correct cosmetic and functional damage after injuries to help you look and feel your best.

  • Botox

Provider Biography

Dr. Jennifer Harb Hanlon is a fellowship trained ENT who has an uncommon level of care and dedication to each patient she treats at South Florida ENT Associates. Born in Buffalo, NY, she discovered Florida while attending the University of Miami, and has since made it her home. When she started her training at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, MA, she gained A well-rounded experience in all aspects of otolaryngology - head and neck surgery. She has been honored with several awards and is a two-time recipient of the Tufts Medical Center Department of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery Collin S. Karmody Resident Award for Excellence in Resident Research.

A commitment to excellence

Dr. Jennifer Harb Hanlon is compassionate and accomplished in treating conditions of the ear, nose, and throat. Her education and training, experience, and commitment to superior care in treating a range of ear, nose, and throat conditions for adults and children.

Background media


  • Medical degree: Buffalo School of Medicine
  • Specialty training: Tufts Medical Center , Boston, MA
  • Cosmetic and facial plastic surgery fellowship: University of Miami

Professional Memberships

  • American Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (AAFPRS) member
  • American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery member
  • Triological Society member
  • ACLS certified


  • Neonatal tooth infection resulting in subperiosteal orbital abscess: A case report. Michelle White, Jennifer Harb Hanlon, Malgorzata Dymerska, Sylvia H. Yoo, P.P. Eckert, D. Chang, Alexander P. Marston> ;International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. 2021 Jan 1
  • Diagnostic Accuracy of Fine-Needle Biopsy for Salivary Gland Neoplasms in a Community Otolaryngology Practice. Jennifer Harb Hanlon, Dara Bakar, Jagdish K. Dhingra> ;OTO open. 2020 Aug 27
  • Breast Cancer Metastases to the Paranasal Sinuses Mimicking Inflammatory Sinus Disease. Jennifer Harb Hanlon, Ameer T. Shah, Miriam A. O'Leary, Elie E. Rebeiz> ;Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. 2020 Jun 15

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